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GEQ500 Graphic EQ

GEQ500 Graphic EQ
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$1,098.90AUD inc GST for Australian Customers
(Approx $703.96USD outside Australia)

Product Information
Stock Level1

GEQ500 is a 16 Band Graphic EQ based on the 560 but with 6 extra bands and 3 switchable boost/cut ranges +/- 3dB, 6dB & 12 with RGB led to show range and EQ in. Can be switched to OUT which leaves DOA & transformer audio path inline or BYPASS which relay hard bypass the whole 500 module. 

Features for each Channel

  • 16 Graphic Bands with proportional Q. 25, 40, 63, 100, 160, 250, 400, 630, 1k, 1k6, 2k5, 4k, 6k3, 10k, 16k, 25k.
  • EQ OUT / IN / BYPASS toggle switch. OUT leaves the audio path in the circuit with DOA and 2503 output transformer. IN enables EQ. BYPASS hard bypasses the GEQ500 completely.
  • EQ RANGE toggle switch +/-3dB (GREEN/ 12dB (BLUE) / 6dB (RED) with RGB led indicator
  • EQ auto Hard Bypass when 500 rack is powered off so audio still passes between in and out.
  • Electronic Super Balanced opamp input to allow for large input levels and superior hum & noise rejection.
  • Dual summing amps with 8 alternative bands on each for less band interaction.
  • Centre detent faders with smooth feel and built-in dust covers for extra long life.
  • Precision SMD filters with precision 1% super stable resistors & C0G caps for low filter distortion & noise.
  • JLM Twenty 5 Twenty discrete opamp with precision-matched input and mirror transistor pairs.
  • JLM2503 output transformer.

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